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Track Attendance


Improving school culture requires students to be present at school and thus, improving attendance at school is vital! Rewarding students for attending school and being on time to class is a great place to start when improving attendance rates.

By using LiveSchool, you can easily take attendance in the app whether you are awarding points for being present or tracking when a student is absent. LiveSchool can help streamline your attendance policy and make it easy to share attendance data with the front office as well as your team.

Create an Attendance Policy

Before customizing your LiveSchool site, there are a few questions you should answer as a leadership team. At your next leadership meeting, decide:

  1. Will you reward students for attending school with points?
  2. Will you take away points for not attending school?
  3. Do teachers take attendance in every class?
  4. What time is attendance taken?

Once you have established your policies, you should write them up in a basic document or email and present to your staff.

Add To Your Rubric

Let's customize your LiveSchool site to track your attendance policy. First, navigate to Site mode.


Next, choose Edit Your Behavior Rubric


Click on the New Category button


Name the category Attendance.


Click the New Behavior button underneath the Attendance category.


We recommend you get specific about how you track attendance when you create the behavior buttons, like: 

  1. Present 
  2. Late
  3. Absent
  4. Excused Absence

This will make your data even more specific! 

Record Attendance

When a student is absent, late or present in class teachers and administrators should track this on the behavior rubric. 

In points mode, select Students who are absent and click Continue


Click absent


Add a Comment explaining which class the student is missing.

View Absence Data
View Absent Students

If your teachers track attendance in first period, your main office staff can pull reports in real time to enter attendance data into your student information systems! 

To pull an attendance report, go to Site Mode


Choose Points Logs. 


Download the log. And sort the csv by: 

  1. Date
  2. Behavior 

The students who are absent will be sorted to the top (highlighted in yellow). 

Communicate To Parents

Attendance will be tracked on weekly reports so parents can see when and what class a student was missing. 

On a student’s weekly report, any behavior that was recorded for that student that week will be listed under the behavior history. 

Keep parents involved and informed by printing paychecks weekly! Learn how here

In parent-teacher conferences, use Points Logs to show absences and tardy's over time. Learn how here.